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Klachten Checker

The Xpert Clinics "Complaints Checker" is a marvellous creation, based on given answers by the user it can detect and advice what to do medically!

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Equipe Zorgbedrijven B.V.
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The Xpert Clinics complaints checker is one of our longest running development projects. In the span of almost 1 year weblyfe collaborated on developing a chatbot that could accurately predict and advise its users what to do when they had complaints in their hand or wrist. The development was done in an international and interdisciplinary team including: 

  • Platform24 who provided the Medical Device Registration Certified chatbot & Triage platform.
  • Xpert Clinics, a subsidiary of Equipe Healthcare Companies who did extensive reasearch and provided two certified hand-surgeons to come up with the medical logic that powers the chatbots thinking. They had developed a version of this chatbot using LimeSurvey
  • University and College students from the Netherlands that did research on the validity of the chatbots found diagnoses vs what the doctors would find during a consultation at Xpert Clinics locations.

Weblyfe designed the images, collaborated on creative writing to position the app most optimally for its target audience and translated the medical logic and code from LimeSurvey to Platform24.
We also set up and executed the rigorous testing protocol to adhere to the Medical Device Registration rules set by the European Parliament as well as to validate the 1:1 behaviour of the medical logic in the Limesurvey.

We designed and developed the app with the user in mind making sure that usability and clear communication would prevent false advice to be given to potential patients.

Klachten Checker

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