Visit Live Project


At Weblyfe, we collaborated with Roman from Ecompany to create a distinctive brand and develop a robust website for his e-commerce course and community. Our goal was to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience while incorporating trust-building elements like Trustpilot reviews

The Ecom Agency is our wizzard genius partner in all social media services: TikTok ads, FB ads, Pinterest ads, Google ads, SEO.
Roman Slokkers
Project type
Full Service
Project Year

At Weblyfe, we recently teamed up with Roman from Ecompany to create a unique brand identity and develop a robust website for his e-commerce course and community. Targeting a young, entrepreneurial, masculine, and disciplined audience, Ecompany provides a comprehensive e-commerce course, group coaching, one-on-one coaching, and a supportive community.

We utilized a refined palette of blue and white to impart a sense of professionalism, trust, and clarity. The website's homepage features a captivating splash animation of the logo, instantly engaging visitors as the site loads. The expandable menu offers ample space and intuitive navigation, designed to accommodate growth and ensure a smooth user experience. Neuro design elements were seamlessly integrated to enhance user engagement.

The Solutions section effectively showcases Ecompany's diverse offerings, including e-commerce courses, coaching services, and community support. The About Us page delves into Roman's mission and personal journey, fostering a meaningful connection with prospective members.

To maintain an informed and engaged community, we incorporated a CMS system for updates, enabling news and announcements to be easily posted across the homepage and dedicated pages. The Contact page includes Calendly for convenient scheduling, a chat pop-up for immediate support, and a clear call-to-action detailing the various course offerings and community benefits.

We included interactive elements such as icons, background videos, and animations triggered by movement and scrolling, creating an immersive and enjoyable browsing experience. Trustpilot reviews were integrated to build credibility and showcase client satisfaction. Additional pages dedicated to partners and developers, along with a comprehensive FAQ section, address common queries and offer further support.

This redesign, characterized by its sophisticated branding and user-friendly design, demonstrates Ecompany's dedication to offering valuable resources and support for aspiring entrepreneurs, providing a cohesive and engaging online experience.


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