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Insights from My Lecture at American University of Dubai | Funnel Hacking secrets of Weblyfe

Webdesign agency creative story telling human centered design weblyfe seyed hosseini
Seyed Hosseini
June 14, 2024
5 minute read
Website laten maken in Amstelveen door weblyfe, branding, seo persoonlijke begeleiding
Seyed Hosseini
Webdesign agency creative story telling human centered design weblyfe seyed hosseini
Tech Wizard
Founder and Creative Lead @weblyfe
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Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to present a lecture at the American University of Dubai, hosted by the esteemed Professor Mohammed Obeidat. This experience was both inspiring and humbling, as I engaged with bright students eager to delve into the intricacies of branding, web design, and business automation.

Setting the Stage

The lecture began with a personal anecdote, highlighting the serendipitous meeting with Professor Obeidat in Bangkok, which set the tone for a dynamic session. I introduced myself and outlined the day's agenda: discussing funnel hacking, frameworks, and industry tools, followed by a deep dive into branding strategies and the hero’s journey framework in marketing.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Power of Funnel Hacking:We explored how to deconstruct and analyze successful marketing funnels to replicate and innovate upon them. This strategy is crucial for creating compelling customer journeys that convert.
  2. Frameworks and Tools:I shared insights into various frameworks and tools that I use, including Notion for project management and ChatGPT for content generation and ideation. These tools streamline processes and enhance productivity.
  3. Hero’s Journey in Marketing:Using Joseph Campbell's monomyth, we discussed how every successful brand story follows a hero’s journey. This framework helps in crafting narratives that resonate deeply with audiences, driving engagement and loyalty.

Engaging the Audience

The students were particularly engaged during the interactive Q&A session. Questions ranged from the nuances of web design using Webflow to the integration of advanced animation tools like Spline. The enthusiasm and curiosity displayed were truly motivating.

Reflecting on the Experience

Reflecting on the lecture, I realized the profound impact such interactions have. It's not just about imparting knowledge but also about inspiring the next generation of designers and entrepreneurs to think creatively and strategically. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and I left with a renewed sense of purpose.

Watch it now!

I am grateful to Professor Mohammed Obeidat and the American University of Dubai for this opportunity. Engaging with such a passionate group of students reminded me of the importance of education and mentorship in our industry. I look forward to many more such interactions and continuing to share my journey and insights with future leaders.

If you missed the lecture or want to revisit the key points, check out the video of the full presentation here. Watching it will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your understanding of branding and web design.

Thank you, AUD, for a memorable experience. For more insights and updates, follow me on Instagram or connect with me on LinkedIn.

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